My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Slightly boring, but did cause me to think about this dystopian society and what could be possible.
What is “freedom” really? That’s the thought I had throughout this novel. I also wondered how so many people would allow our current “freedoms” to be taken away. I think that people, at their cores, wouldn’t stand for that much control (that they’re aware of). I know that we are monitored now, but it’s not so blatantly obvious that we see it every day in our homes.
So let’s examine the word freedom. Winston says in the novel that freedom is the right to say 2 + 2= 4 and even that is taken away from him. The dictionary says freedom is:
1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
2. exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3. the power to determine action without restraint.
4. political or national independence.
5. personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.
But can we listen to what the dictionary says a word means if even that is being controlled? Can we define something when the government says it is something else? It is so easy to be controlled that we don’t realize we’re being controlled.
1984 causes people to think about society and politics and what we allow to be done (or what we ignore). Every question I have leads to another question…. which is frustrating if, like me, you prefer to read and enjoy instead of questioning each part of the book you read. I don’t like questions, it reminds me too much of my college English classes.
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